Google Enhances Emphasis on Business ‘Availability’ Signal in Local Search Ranking Algorithm


oogle’s latest update to its local search ranking algorithm has placed a greater emphasis on the «availability» signal for non-navigational queries, signaling a notable shift in the way businesses are ranked in local search results.

According to Danny Sullivan, Google’s Search Liaison, the search giant has long considered «availability» as part of its local ranking systems, and it has now become a more influential factor, particularly for non-navigational queries.

What’s different: The recent modification involves Google favoring open businesses over closed ones in local search rankings. This adjustment, observed since November 2023, is specifically notable for its impact on local pack rankings, as reported by Joy Hawkins in a blog post for Sterling Sky.

Google’s confirmation: Danny Sullivan officially acknowledged this change during an interview on X on December 15. Non-navigational queries, which focus on types of services rather than specific brands, are now more likely to see open businesses ranking higher in local search results.

Navigational queries explained: Navigational queries, in contrast, involve searching for specific brands or businesses, such as looking for CVS. The recent update mainly affects non-navigational searches, where users seek particular types of services.

Caution against altering business hours: Despite the potential benefits for 24/7 businesses in gaining an edge during non-business hours, Sullivan advised against changing business hours solely for ranking purposes. He emphasized that while adjustments to the ranking signal might occur, businesses should refrain from this practice.

Sullivan’s perspective: Sullivan noted, «This might change in various ways, as we continue to evaluate the usefulness of it; however, I wouldn’t recommend businesses do this, given the ranking signal may continue to be adjusted.»

Significance for businesses: Businesses may experience fluctuations in their Google Business Profile listings as a result of these algorithmic changes. It is crucial for businesses to accurately represent their operating hours to avoid potential penalties in the future.

In summary, Google’s algorithm now prioritizes showing businesses that are currently open at the time of the search. Whether this is advantageous or detrimental to searchers depends on the context of the query and is subject to ongoing debate.