John Mueller of Google: The Relevance of Technical SEO Persists


Despite arguments to the contrary, Google’s representative, John Mueller, emphasizes the enduring relevance of technical SEO. Recently, Google Search Proponent, John Mueller, reinforced the significance of technical SEO, challenging views suggesting its declining relevance.

He made this remark as a reply to a post on Platform Y, once known as Twitter, which proposed that the emphasis on technical SEO is lessening. Technical SEO’s Importance: A Growing Discussion Mueller’s response on Platform Y was to Yiğit Konur’s statement, “Each day, technical SEO loses a bit of its significance.” Konur expanded his viewpoint, suggesting that numerous misunderstandings exist regarding technical SEO, and some are making it more complicated than necessary.

Konur believes that unless major technical glitches occur, it’s better to focus on producing and enhancing top-tier content.

This dialogue originated from a brief clip shared by the Google Search Central profile about website redirection.

However, this discussion magnifies a more extensive debate within the SEO realm, which became more vigorous after Google updated its guidelines for ranking systems. Understanding Technical SEO Within Google’s Ranking Protocols In the spring month of April, Google adjusted its ranking guideline documentation, excluding aspects of technical SEO like HTTPS and Core Web Essentials. However, Google promptly pointed out the continuing importance of these factors.

Google’s Search Representative, Danny Sullivan, clarified:

“We aren’t suggesting that page experiences have become ‘obsolete’, or that areas like Core Web Essentials or mobile compatibility should be neglected. Quite the opposite. It’s a recommendation to give attention to these and other page experience facets if you’re aiming for success in Google Search’s primary ranking mechanisms.”

Sullivan went on to differentiate between ranking “mechanisms” and “indicators”, highlighting that the recent changes shifted certain experience components from the “mechanisms” group to the “indicators” one.

Such a shift signifies not their reduced importance but that they became indicators for different mechanisms. The Persistent Significance of Technical SEO From Mueller’s latest comments, it’s evident that technical SEO remains pivotal for a site’s triumph.

Even with the shifting dynamics within the SEO sphere, Mueller’s emphasis reinforces that the essence of technical SEO consistently underpins all open web structures.