Microsoft Advertising’s New Features & More Digital Marketing News

This week on Marketing O’Clock, Jess Budde, Greg Finn, and Christine “Shep” Zirnheld tell you about all the new features coming to Microsoft Advertising and a new Facebook feature that we love to see (or hear!).

Plus, Google Ads is simplifying bid strategy organization and introducing dynamic placement exclusions.


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New Features Coming to Microsoft Advertising

Microsoft announced a slew of new features at their 2020 Elevate Summit, including:

  • Facebook campaign import for the Audience Network.
  • Video Ads.
  • New private search technology for
  • Price comparison ads.
  • Video Ad extensions.
  • Feed-based ad units for hotels & tourism.
  • Target impression share.
  • Landing page creation tools.
  • Unified smart campaigns.
  • And much more!

Google Ads Changes Bid Strategy Organization

Google Ads’ Ginny Marvin announced that Google would be updating how bid strategies are organized for search campaigns.

Target CPA will be considered a type of maximize conversion bidding and Target ROAS will be considered a type of maximize conversion value bidding.

To see what bid strategy a campaign is actually using, you’ll have to add the target CPA and target ROAS columns to reports.

Microsoft Advertising’s New Features & More Digital Marketing News


Dynamic Placement Exclusions Coming to Google Ads

Google announced that they will soon be rolling out dynamic exclusion lists to help advertisers proactively control placements for campaigns.

Advertisers will have the ability to obtain lists from third parties such as brand safety organizations and schedule them to be updated however often they see fit.

An account will be able to have up to 20 shared exclusion lists with tens of thousands of URLs and domains per list.

Facebook Is Launching New Audio Tools

Facebook will be launching an audio-only version of Rooms which will be discoverable at the top of the news feed, in chats, and in a new Rooms tab.

Creators can make audio Rooms public or private and monetization options are in the works.

Facebook will also allow creators to save the audio from their live conversations and publish them as a podcast.

A new in-app audio creation tool that will allow users to use features like speech-to-text, sound effects, voice effects, and filters was also announced.



Cole Soldwisch found a new automated recommendations option (with a shorter review window) that you might want to opt-out of.

Lightning Round

  • Who might be joining the FLoC block?
  • What new ecommerce ad offerings are coming to TikTok?
  • When will Google’s Page Experience update start rolling out?
  • Where might bad SEO professionals start blocking access to their site?
  • Why won’t you be finding our hosts on Reddit Talk?

For more information on the show, visit the Marketing O’Clock site. While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to the show and our weekly newsletter to read all of today’s stories!