Сompany news


The Only App Localization Tutorial You Will Ever Need

Sometimes it seems the deeper you dig, the more complex and the wider ranging the idea of localization becomes. An app localization tutorial to cover it […]

Mobile is the new desktop, and that’s good for enterprise apps

Android surpassed Microsoft’s Windows in March to become the most popular operating system on the internet, according to figures compiled by GlobalStats, the research arm of […]

New functional language champions type-driven development

Functional programming has added a new language in its ranks with the recent 1.0 release of Idris. The language is positioned as general purpose, with dependent […]

Node.js exec director: Our project is transformational

The Node.js Foundation was formed in 2015 to serve as a steward over the Node.js sever-side JavaScript platform, providing a new governance model and taking over […]

7 ways Android and Windows 10 can work well together

If you regularly use a Windows 10 PC and an Android phone or tablet, there are several Android apps you can install that can seamlessly link […]

What You Should Know Before You Offshore Your Startup’s Engineering Team

«Everything now, everything fast» is the way of a startup. It’s a race against competitors, what’s still interesting and getting users to care. Offshoring engineering teams […]

Mobile networks still stink, with more workers coming

A new survey sponsored by NetMotion Software and WBR Digital shows that mobile network connectivity problems are the top reason for mobile-related trouble ticket submissions at […]
Simplified Chinese with Pinyin and English meaningsSimplified Chinese with Pinyin and English meaningsSimplified Chinese with Pinyin and English meanings

Designing for Translation: 5 Tips to Get Your Projects Global-Ready

In 2006, the average US website was available in 14 languages. Last year, it was 30. From manufacturers beginning to export to Fortune 500s like Coca-Cola […]

Mapping keywords to the buyer journey in SEO

I often teach classes on SEO, and I start my presentations off by talking about keywords. When it comes to organic search, keywords form the foundation of […]

10 Website Fails Your Business Is Making

A website for your business is no longer a luxury — it’s a necessity. But, just because you invested in a website doesn’t mean that it’s effective in […]