All creatures have a distinct way of perceiving the world around them. Dogs have an impressive sense of smell. Eagles have the uncanny ability to see […]
Brightfold Networks LP participated Software Design and Development conference, 8-10 November, London. SDD Deep Dive 2016 Choose one of six 3-day workshops Learn from world-class experts […]
Taking a cue from competing online services like Slack, which let workers chat and share information on the job, Microsoft is adding a new program called […]
I like many of the ideas entered into this year’s AGDA Awards (celebrating Australian design). Here are a few. Brewster Murray, by Frost*collective, Sydney. Sydney Dogs […]
SEO industry workers and professional fitness trainers alike can relate to the awkward moment when a client asks for guaranteed results — only to find out […]
Consider closed captioning. Originally created for people with hearing loss, it is now used by all sorts of people to consume video in shared environments. Think […]