Google Discontinuing Continuous Scroll in Search Results


Google Discontinuing Continuous Scroll in Search Results

Continuous scroll was introduced by Google for mobile search in October 2021 and for desktop search in December 2022.

Google Search is set to discontinue the continuous scroll feature that automatically loads more results as you navigate past the first page. Instead, users will encounter the traditional pagination bar at the bottom of the search results page.

Starting with Desktop. From today, Google will begin deactivating continuous scroll for desktop search results.

Having launched continuous scroll for desktop in December 2022 and initially for mobile in October 2021, the feature lasted approximately one and a half years for desktop search.

Google plans to phase out continuous scroll from mobile search results in the upcoming month.

Official Statement. A Google spokesperson informed Search Engine Land that on June 25, Google will eliminate the continuous scroll feature from desktop Search results, with mobile following in the coming months.

The «Next» option will appear at the bottom of the page for desktop searches, while a «More results» button will be present for mobile searches.

Google explained that this modification aims to deliver search results more swiftly for a greater number of searches, rather than preloading results users haven’t specifically requested. They also noted that automatically loading more results did not significantly enhance user satisfaction with Search.