Throughout my career as a search marketing consultant, I have been a strong advocate for: Conducting keyword research for each target market. Expertly localizing content. Yet, […]
In an update to Google Analytics, bot traffic will be automatically filtered out of reports for Web + App properties. “In App + Web properties, traffic […]
WordPress is the most popular CMS in the world, yet being open-source, is implemented, coded, and developed for websites in a very wide-ranging manner. The number of […]
Have you ever noticed that most freelance web design advice is related to gaining new clients? Well, today is a bit different. Instead of rehashing all […]
Your designs aren’t technically meant to sell anything. In fact, it’s actually almost impossible for them to do so if the viewer has never seen them […]
Your designs aren’t technically meant to sell anything. In fact, it’s actually almost impossible for them to do so if the viewer has never seen them […]
The world is currently in a state of confusion, panic, bewilderment, and uncertainty. With the situation changing by the hour, it can leave you feeling lost […]
Google is working with the US government to develop a website informing people about coronavirus, in addition to other measures. This is an entirely different website […]
You finally did it. After many sleepless nights, you’ve finally launched your website. It was a long and arduous journey, but it’s finally over! Except it isn’t. […]