Search engine results pages, or SERPs, are an always evolving user experience. The SERPs have changed dramatically since the early days of search. Although many of […]
When we first started hearing about machine learning in the early 2010s, it seemed scary at first. But once it was explained to us (and we realized how […]
We All Start at Zero Why are there so many mistakes? For starters, there is a monumental amount of disinformation about SEO available online. In fact, when I […]
Back in 2004, when I started taking the best practices in search from the U.S. and implementing them in China, Baidu was only a few years old. There was no […]
Running an e-commerce business is not an easy task. Ensuring its success is even more difficult. In the highly competitive world of digital marketing, companies have […]
Google Assistant and voice search, is increasingly gaining prominence. Voice search will be in your car, in your home and even on your Apple device. Search […]
Search engine optimization (SEO) very much revolves around Google today. However, the practice we now know as SEO actually pre-dates the world’s most popular search engine […]