Dispatching of mining industry - is the centralization of operational control and coordination of industrial process control to ensure the coordinated work of units of one or a group of companies to achieve the optimal technical and economic indicators, implementation of work schedules and production programs.


Basic dispatching functions: monitoring and control of technological processes; control and prompt distribution of material power resources of vehicles; accounting work vehicles, machinery and others. Due to the specificity of the process, the territory of the dispersion of individual sections of the work at the mining enterprises crucial to the operational management of the individual sites and the enterprise as a whole. This dispatching ensures uniform loading of all parts of the enterprise, continuity, rhythm and efficiency of the implementation of the basic processes of the production cycle, continuity of service support and service areas.

Dispatching allows you to adjust the production process, the rhythm is disturbed as a result of changes in the composition of extracted raw materials, manufactured products, adjustments made to the methods and raw materials production technology, product manufacturing, different levels of the production program areas of the enterprise, disruptions related to the repair of equipment, violation of the delivery schedule of materials etc. With the rise in the mining industry and other large industrial associations, as well as the rapid improvement of the transport scheduling becomes a necessary means of operational management complex set of processes and transport systems.