It presents the world’s first supercomputer for unmanned vehicles


Computer for self-machine is the equivalent of 150 Macbook Pro computers.

The first of its kind supercomputer for unmanned vehicles Drive PX 2, created by the American company Nvidia’s, it was presented at CES 2016 in Las Vegas. By its power it is equivalent to 150 Macbook Pro computers, as noted on the manufacturer’s website.

It is also reported that the computer Drive PX 2 is embedded directly in the unmanned vehicle to help it navigate.

Special technology, which is equipped with a computer, «teaches» the car to avoid unforeseen situations while traveling, for example, suddenly appearing pedestrians or cyclists.

Drive PX 2 is equipped with 12 processors, making it the computing power up to 8 teraflops. He is able to perform 24 trillion operations per second, controlled by radar, lidar and 12 cameras.

A first mini-computer for $ 9

This supercomputer has a very concise dimensions. Gendireator Nvidia’s Drive PX 2 compares the size of a «schoolboy lunchbox».

We also know that Nvidia’s partner in creating Drive PX 2 made the Volvo car company, which plans to use supercomputers, equipping them their cars.