Industrial equipment

Scheduling is designed to monitor and coordinate the implementation of schedules, work,and programs, to ensure the coordinated work of the individual units. This work can be effective only with the usage of modern software, which BRIGHTFOLD NETWORKS LTD Company is ready to provide. We carry out a full range of metering devices and software for scheduling of all processes. With this you will always own the latest information in a timely manner to collect and analyze the readings.

Our software allows you centrally to receive all the necessary information, and even remotely. Thus, you will always own all the information and analyze information quickly, and the dispatching will be done without difficulties and errors. Software allows user to create the unique settings, set the required parameters and configuration. Information can be obtained with devices located nearby or at a distance, at any time will be available for dispatching current and historical data. The system collects data from all devices manufactured by BRIGHTFOLD NETWORKS LTD, giving detailed and clear picture of what is happening.